
Amidst a tragic incident of honor-related violence, a father, accompanied by his offspring, perpetrated the fatal shooting of his daughter in the locality of Nayagaon within the Etah district of Uttar Pradesh. This dire occurrence unfolded on Saturday, as disclosed by authorities on Sunday.

A seasoned law enforcement official revealed that subsequent to the daughter’s demise, the father and son clandestinely endeavored to cremate the deceased by erecting a funeral pyre amidst the fields.

“Upon receiving confidential intelligence, we promptly converged upon the scene and extricated the body from the blazing pyre, dispatching it for post-mortem analysis. Following the incident, the father and son absconded. Legal proceedings have been initiated against the duo. The altercation leading to this grim outcome transpired within the household, revolving around the daughter’s romantic liaison,” the police official elaborated.

Assistant Superintendent of Police, Dhananjay Singh, expounded that the deceased, a resident of Nayagaon police jurisdiction, had been engaged in a romantic entanglement with a young man.

“Family members vehemently opposed the relationship, resulting in a confrontation on Saturday evening. Subsequently, the father, accompanied by his offspring, discharged fatal gunfire upon the daughter, inflicting a fatal wound to her abdomen. Transported to the Aliganj health center, the daughter was pronounced deceased,” ASP Singh supplemented.

“Following this tragic event, bereaved family members discreetly proceeded with the last rites, refraining from divulging any details. They commenced the cremation of the daughter’s remains upon constructing a pyre within the adjacent fields. However, an informant alerted the authorities. In due time, Nayagaon police station in-charge, Ritesh Thakur, and his team arrived at the scene. Thakur intervened swiftly, extricating the remains from the conflagration. Regrettably, only the torso and head were recoverable, subsequently dispatched for post-mortem examination,” Dhananjay Singh appended.

Ritesh Thakur affirmed that law enforcement is actively investigating the case, assuring that the perpetrators will be expeditiously apprehended.