
In Lucknow, a calamitous event transpired as a swiftly moving automobile collided with two pedestrians during their pre-dawn stroll following sehri, the initial meal of the day in Ramzan, within the environs of Nishatganj. As per authorities, the vehicle was under the control of a youthful scion of a prosperous entrepreneur.

The unfortunate victims, Shahida Bano, aged 65, and Shabnam, aged 42, hailing from the Papermill Colony in Nishatganj, met their demise instantaneously due to the impact of the collision. Subsequently, the juvenile operator of the vehicle was apprehended, and legal proceedings have commenced against him. Law enforcement officials are presently scrutinizing closed-circuit television recordings of the vicinity for further investigation.

The distressing incident unfolded in the proximity of the Metro City graveyard at approximately 4 a.m. while the deceased were engaged in their morning perambulation. The high velocity of the approaching vehicle resulted in the fatal collision, propelling both victims several meters before they were hurled onto the thoroughfare.

Responding to the cries of distress, several bystanders rushed to render aid, detaining the driver who endeavored to abscond, administering physical retribution upon him. Concurrently, authorities were promptly notified and arrived at the scene to detain the perpetrator.

Upon receiving news of the tragedy, aggrieved relatives of the deceased congregated at the location, initiating a tumultuous uproar. Law enforcement personnel, in conjunction with Public Order and Safety forces, have since been deployed to maintain order in the vicinity.

Inspector Akhilesh Mishra divulged that the vehicle in question is registered to a prominent businessman domiciled in Niralanagar, and that his adolescent offspring was operating it at the time of the incident.

“The juvenile is enrolled in secondary education. During interrogation, he confessed to piloting the vehicle en route from Niralanagar via the Hazratganj bypass. The collision occurred when the vehicle veered out of control in the vicinity of the Paper Mill junction. It is fortuitous that the juvenile’s well-being was safeguarded by the deployment of airbags,” authorities revealed.

Furthermore, collateral damage incurred during the incident included the impairment of two motorcycles parked outside the residence of the victims’ neighbor, Shahid. Legal recourse will be pursued following the arraignment of the accused juvenile in the Juvenile Court, Mishra affirmed.