In a startling turn of events, a man is purported to have taken the lives of his wife and two children in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, as reported by the local police on Sunday. The tragic incident unfolded in Sarwan Nagar, Bijnor, located in the heart of the state’s capital. Identified as Ram, the accused hails from Balrampur district and had recently relocated to a rented residence in the Lagan area.
According to landlord Virendra Gautam, Ram and his family had only moved into the premises a mere fortnight ago. “Upon returning to my property on Saturday evening, a noxious odor pervaded the air around the dwelling. Despite our attempts to clean, the stench persisted. The following day, while inspecting the upper floor, which we had leased out, I glimpsed a scene through the window that chilled me to the bone—bloodstains adorned the room. Swiftly, I alerted the authorities,” recounted Gautam.
Responding promptly to the distress call, law enforcement officials breached the entrance and conducted a thorough search of the premises. Within, they discovered the lifeless body of Jyoti, the wife, along with her two offspring, aged between three and six years, concealed within a sack in their rented abode. The bodies were swiftly transported to the hospital for further examination.
Subsequently, a rigorous investigation ensued, leading to the apprehension of the fugitive suspect. The motive behind the heinous act remains shrouded in mystery, awaiting elucidation. Upon learning of the incident, Bijnor Police Station’s Arvind Singh Rana, accompanied by assistant commissioner of police (ACP) Krishna Nagar Vinay Kumar Dwivedi and additional deputy commissioner of police (ADCP) south Shashank Singh, descended upon the scene to oversee proceedings and gather evidence.