Firozabad : In a tragic sequence of events, a young man from Agra purportedly discharged a firearm at his spouse at her parental residence after a disagreement, subsequently attempting to end his own life on Sunday, as reported by a law enforcement official. Both individuals are now receiving critical medical attention in a hospital.
The episode unfolded in Kheda Ganeshpur village, falling under the jurisdiction of the Matsena police station in Firozabad district, Uttar Pradesh. Law enforcement officers disclosed that Ravi, who hails from Mohalla Sandeep Nagar under the Etmaduddaula police station’s domain in Agra district, had experienced ongoing friction with his wife, Varsha. Consequently, Varsha had been residing with her parents in Kheda Ganeshpur village.
On Sunday morning, Ravi made his way to his in-laws’ residence in Kheda Ganeshpur village, armed with a handgun. The pair engaged in a dispute over an unspecified matter, leading to Ravi firing upon Varsha before turning the weapon on himself. Both sustained gunshot wounds and were immediately transported to the Medical College and Hospital’s trauma care center in grave condition.
Upon receiving information, Matsena police officers arrived at the scene and initiated an investigation. They also gathered forensic evidence from the location.
Superintendent of Police Sarvesh Kumar Mishra stated that a police team was dispatched to the location after receiving news of the incident. “Both individuals have been admitted to the hospital in a critical state. The young man came to his in-laws’ dwelling and shot his wife, who had been residing there due to an earlier altercation with him. We are meticulously examining all facets of the situation,” Mishra stated.