BJP MP and candidate for the Mathura constituency, Hema Malini, has recently been occupied with campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections. During a recent stop, she visited a wheat field in Uttar Pradesh.
She shared photos from the encounter with local farmers on her account on X, showcasing her time with the women working in the fields. Malini took part in the work and posed for photos, expressing her delight at the experience. “Today, I ventured into the fields to converse with the farmers I’ve been engaging with for the past decade. They warmly welcomed me and insisted on capturing moments together,” she noted.
Malini is running for her third consecutive term as the BJP’s candidate from the Mathura seat. From 1991 to 1999, Mathura was a stronghold for the BJP, which claimed victories four times. In 2004, the seat shifted to the Congress, and in 2009, Jayant Chaudhary of the RLD became the MP.
In 2014, the BJP selected Hema Malini, and she won the election. In the 2019 elections, Hema’s spouse, actor Dharmendra, actively campaigned on her behalf and drew a large audience in her favor. Thanks to the developmental projects of the BJP-led government, she once again emerged victorious in 2019.
Uttar Pradesh, which sends the most MPs (80) to Parliament, will conduct its elections across seven phases. Voting for the first two phases will occur on April 19 and April 26. Phases three and four are scheduled for May 7 and May 13, respectively. The electorate in the state will also vote in phases five, six, and seven on May 20, May 23, and June 1, respectively. Mathura will participate in the second phase on April 26.