In Ghaziabad, Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted a procession on Saturday in solidarity with BJP contender Atul Garg in Uttar Pradesh. This marked his inaugural procession in the state since the declaration of the Lok Sabha elections last month. Accompanied by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Garg, Modi traversed through the streets in an exposed jeep, acknowledging the fervent multitude of supporters. The procession embarked from the Maliwad Chowk and is scheduled to culminate at Chaudhary Mod.
The local administration orchestrated meticulous security arrangements for the occasion, entailing a significant deployment of personnel and implementation of traffic diversions. Notably, this event signifies the prime minister’s premier procession in Uttar Pradesh following the announcement of the Lok Sabha elections.
Despite the relentless sun, supporters congregated along the route since noon, sustained by the resonating beats of drums and musical ensembles. As the prime minister’s conveyance traversed the thoroughfare at a leisurely pace, spectators flanking both sides adorned the path with floral tributes and resounded chants of support.
Various artistic representations adorned the journey, including depictions of Modi’s mother, Hiraben, bestowing her blessings. Additionally, a tableau featuring Lord Ram and Sita garnered attention along the procession route.