The recent verdict by a Sonbhadra MP-MLA court on Friday sentenced BJP legislator Ramdular Gond to 25 years of rigorous imprisonment for raping a minor girl nine years ago in the Duddhi Assembly constituency (reserved seat for Scheduled Tribes). Additionally, the District and Sessions Judge (DSJ) Ehsanullah Khan imposed a fine of 1 million rupees on the accused, which will be utilized for the rehabilitation of the victim.
Legal Proceedings and Case Details
The Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) Satya Prakash Tripathi revealed that the court had found the legislator guilty on December 12, with the sentencing scheduled for December 15. Before the judgment, Gond’s counsel pleaded for leniency in the sentencing, assuring the court that the complete care of the rape victim’s family would be ensured by the accused.
Case Background and Charges
Gond, a BJP MLA from the Duddhi Assembly area in Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh, was implicated under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 376 (rape), 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation), and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The incident dates back to November 4, 2014, during which time, Gond’s wife held the position of the village head.
Court Proceedings and Transfer
The allegation against Ramdular Gond involved sexual assault on a minor girl. The police had registered the case based on the statement provided by the victim’s brother at the Mypur police station. Gond was not a legislator at the time of the incident, and the trial was ongoing in the POCSO court. Following Gond’s election as a legislator, the case was transferred to the MP/MLA court for trial.
The severity of the sentence reflects the court’s commitment to ensuring justice for the victim and serves as a significant legal precedent in cases involving crimes against minors. This verdict also emphasizes the accountability and responsibility that public representatives bear in society.