In an unexpected turn of events, Israr, one of the prime suspects in the Raju Pal murder case, managed to evade capture just before a special CBI court handed down a four-year jail term and imposed a fine of Rs 20,000 on him, officials disclosed on Sunday. Israr absconded from his residence on Friday (March 29), evidently in dread of imminent arrest. The Lucknow court, on Friday, found seven individuals, including Israr, guilty in connection with the assassination of former BSP MLA Raju Pal back in 2005. Notably, the late gangsters Atiq Ahmed and his sibling Ashraf were also implicated in the crime but met their demise in Prayagraj last year.
Raju Pal, a prominent Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) figure from Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, fell victim to a fatal shooting on January 25, 2005, owing to escalating political tensions with Ashraf, brother of Atiq Ahmad, whom Pal had defeated in the 2004 by-poll for the Prayagraj West seat. Pal had previously lost the seat to Atiq Ahmad in 2002, but following Ahmad’s subsequent election to the Lok Sabha, Pal secured victory against Ashraf in the ensuing by-election.
The court meted out sentences to seven out of the ten defendants, with six receiving life imprisonment along with hefty fines. Israr, who faced charges of illegal possession of firearms, received a four-year jail term and a Rs 20,000 fine. Official sources indicated Israr’s absence during the court’s pronouncement of the verdict. Reportedly, Israr faces at least seven other criminal cases, including charges of murder, attempted murder, and robbery.
Following his evasion, the CBI court issued a non-bailable warrant against Israr for his failure to appear. Prayagraj Police have since launched an extensive manhunt to locate and apprehend him. Interrogations revealed that Israr’s family members disclosed his departure from their residence on March 29, citing fear of incarceration as his motive for fleeing.
Deepak Bhukar, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) City, confirmed the issuance of a Non-Bailable Warrant (NBW) by the court and reiterated the police force’s commitment to tracking down the fugitive.