In the heart of Mainpuri, located in Uttar Pradesh, Dimple Yadav, an MP from the Samajwadi Party, voiced scathing criticism against the government’s stance on the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). She asserted that the ruling authorities were strategically employing the UCC as a divisive tool, aiming to fragment votes and divert attention away from pressing issues.
Engaging with the media during an event within her constituency, Yadav did not mince words in her condemnation of the government’s tactics. She contended that the administration was resorting to the use of rubber bullets and pellet guns against farmers expressing dissent.
Drawing attention to the constitutional foundation of India as a secular nation, Yadav expressed her belief that the government’s actions were in violation of this principle. In response to a question regarding the UCC, she remarked, “You must have observed the manner in which our farmers are engaged in protest, facing the deployment of weapons. Journalists present wear protective gear, yet the farmers, amidst this sensitive situation, lack such safeguards.”
Accusing the government of callousness, Yadav suggested that the introduction of issues like the UCC was a deliberate attempt to distract the public from genuine concerns. She pointed out that, following the repeal of the contentious farm laws, assurances were made by the government regarding job opportunities and financial support for the children of farmers who had lost their lives in earlier protests.
Highlighting the apparent discrepancy between promises and actions, Yadav recalled the Prime Minister’s pre-election commitment to resolving the issue of stray cattle in Uttar Pradesh. However, she lamented the lack of progress by the BJP government in addressing this matter, emphasizing the tendency to bring up such issues only during election campaigns and subsequently forget about them once elections conclude.