Meerut, Uttar Pradesh: Law enforcement officials in the Nauchandi precinct apprehended an individual on Monday evening in response to allegations from his father-in-law, accusing him of causing his wife’s death by administering acid against her will due to dissatisfaction over her failure to secure a dowry.
As evening fell, the surrounding community became aware of the demise of the deceased, Manisha, and promptly informed the police. Authorities moved swiftly, detaining Manisha’s spouse, Javed, and bringing him in for questioning.
Manisha’s father rushed to the scene upon hearing the news, pointing fingers at Javed and his mother, Salma, alleging that they were responsible for the untimely demise of his daughter, driven by their insatiable desire for wealth. “My daughter suffered greatly at their hands for dowry. They ultimately ended her life to satisfy their avarice,” he stated.
The police registered a formal complaint against seven individuals, including Javed and Salma. The investigation is ongoing, and appropriate measures will be taken based on the findings, according to sources.
According to Nauchandi law enforcement, Manisha had been united in matrimony with Javed, a resident of Bakery Street, Zaidi Farm, one year prior. Details of their marital relationship and potential financial difficulties remain unclear.
Station House Officer Mahesh Singh Rathore disclosed that the body was dispatched for autopsy, with results expected soon. “Our focus at present is on interrogating Javed to determine the underlying cause of the suspected homicide,” he added.